Commando Chronicles, Version 0.2. Download link. AI system for terrorists using raycasting

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Recently I spent a lot of time in making AI system for terroritsts using raycasting. All terrorists have set target to player, if ray hits player terrorists start to shoot, but there is also second ray that have random target transform for dispersion. There is trigger that spawn terrorist and check if there are enough terrorists on map, for example it can be set maximum number of terrorists. If player will kill terrorist, health kit will spawn.

Commando Chronicles

This game is about commando that have to eliminate opposite forces. That commando has multiple tasks that will appear in SP, but for now I’ll concentrate on botmatches to make very good game mechanics. Player will have many of different weapons including M16, AK47, grenades, smoke, There will be many different types of terrorist organizations that commando has to face. First bot match map will be Herat city. It is small part for make playable map, simple square where terrorists appear from hidden doors, there will be multiple boxes and crates so player can hide, over time player will get more powerups. This game is about a commando that has to eliminate opposing forces. There will be many different weapons including M16, AK47, grenades, smoke. In the final version there will be many different types of terrorist factions. This version include only simple maps for botmatches. Simple town square where terrorists appear from hidden doors, there will be multiple boxes and crates so player can hide, over time player will get more power ups .

Credit for:

hc – Soldier model based on Police.blend by LeeZH. More info:

MysticMike – Mikes camo collection

Music: Fantasy Origins -Cavernous Desert02

DeadDog – M16 Assault Rifle

Duncan’s help in Unity Engine

Teekus – Beta testing

Music : Copyright 2012 “Commando Team (Action)” GrĂ©goire Lourme Copyright 2012 Iwan Gabovitch “Commando Team (Action) [loop cut]”